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Monday, August 13, 2007

Book: He's Just Not That Into You

By Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
From A Writer and A Consultant of Sex and the City

The No-Excuses Truth to Understand GuysFor ages women have come together over coffee, cocktails or late-night phone chats to analyze the puzzling behavior of men.

He's afraid to tget hurt again. Maybe he doesn't want to ruin the friendship. Maybe he's intimidated by me. He just got out of a relationship.

The truth may be He's just not that into you.
(Jun 17 '07)

Buku: The Secret

Berita Bagus...!!
Telah terbit buku The Secret terjemahan Indonesia. Muzizat Berpikir Positif karangan Rhonda Byrne, penerbit Gramedia.

Percik-percik Rahasia Besar telah ada dalam tradisi lisan, kesusastraan, agama, dan filsafah selama berabad-abad. Untuk pertama kalinya, smua percik Rahasia ini disatukan dalam sebuah pesan yang akan mengubah hidup orang2 yang mengalaminya.

Cari & Bacalah, anda dapat mengalaminya sendiri. Ditangan Anda tergenggam sebuah Rahasia Besar. (May 22 '07)

Movie: Facing The Giants

Have you ever face bad situations that come to your life one after another? Nothing seemed right & all the circumstances devastated you? I think almost all of us experienced that once in our life or perhaps you are facing it right now. If you do…, you should watch this movie: Facing The Giants. It will motivate & show you the way how to go though it.

Facing The Giants is a great movie... every family should see it.

Never give up, never back down & never lose faith. With GOD, all things are possible. (May 10 '07)

jg: “Aloy… TQ for the movie, no giants scare me anymore ;)”

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Movie: Click

Click,click, click that what most people do while watching tv with remote control in one hand. We tend to screen through channels and skip those ones we feel unimportant. This is very typical, definitely something that I would do….

What if we had a universal remote that controlled our universe? How wonderful life could be if we can just skip or fast forward things that we don’t like in our life; so we can only deal with things we like, enjoy and want it? The movie “Click” starring: Adam Sandler & Kate Beckinsale, gives us some ideas and answer to our “what if”.

This is an entertaining movie to be watched by parents and their kids; not only it is funny, but it also carried a very good message. (May 04 '07)

While watching this movie (as been suggested by my son, Dimi) I suddenly felt guilty for what I’ve done lately. I now understand why my son wanted me to see this movie . I can hear clearly what he said after the movie ended, “Yea… just like mommy who always busy with work.” CLICK, I got the massage……………. I think it’s time for me to make a change. I need to spend more time with my children, and not skip through things that I feel unimportant, because those unimportant events might be important to someone else (my children in this case). Life is precious; we should enjoy every bit of it.

Book: The Purpose Driven Life

Are you tired, bored & loose control of your life? I know how it felt I have been there. When problems & unexpected happens in our life, all the negative thought became our friends. We lost, we cry, we blame ourselves, and the word IF & WHY plays around in our mind. We do not know who we are anymore & feel so unworthy. Sometimes we even think to kill ourselves & wish that never happened to us. Well... guess what, if you want to open your heart & mind, after you read this book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, you will know there is still hope & you might be grateful it has happened to you; you will realize something better & big will come to your life. This is a true story that happened to me. This book changed the way I see myself & others, and helped me found out my purpose of life that pleases my Lord. (Mar 09' 07)

Special thanks: Pak Dra for the wise words & the book, I learn lots. Family & friends who always be there for me, especially Anes: "your soft, hard & hurt words make me stronger." Last but not least, my sons: Dimi & Telis, you are gifts sent from Above to conquer my destiny, love you boys.

Film: The Secret

Have you ever wonder: Why some people can be happy & successful and some don’t? How we can make our life easier & better? Three (3) weeks ago, my friend reveals me The Secret & I’m so glad he did.

Some of us might already know it & believe how powerful it is, but some don’t even think about it. Knowing the secret of living shows us how easy life is; if we believe so & can apply it in our life, it will helps us reduce our stress & achieve what we want in this life. Furthermore, we might become part of them who are happy & successful.

While I was watching, I couldn’t wait to tell my friend how good & thankful I was that he shared the secret with me. The next day, I tried to follow what I learned, just a simple thing, and it worked; and when one of my friend had a problem with her boss, I told her about the secret, she followed & the result turned out to be good.

Now the Secret has travelled through centuries to reach you; grab it, watch/read it & try it, you will see by yourselves how powerful it is & it can change your life forever. You will be amazed how God had prepared us & how He will work for us. (14/03/07)

Jg: “Herman, sorry bro… I can't keep the secret :) & thank you for sharing it with me. GBU.” The Secret To You
"We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible." Chretien Malesherbes
Kita dapat meraih lebih banyak sesuatu jika kita tidak berfikir hal-hal itu tidak mungkin.